We had a quick trip to Zion National Park this weekend. The boys were great travelers and only asked once when we would get there. It is great to have so many national parks within a 3-4 hour drive from home and I intend to take the boys to all of them multiple times over the next few years. Even though the boys were a little young for most of the hikes in the park, we did go on two short hikes. The boys hiked (walked) over a mile and a half without any problems. I just kept telling them to stay away from the edge of the trail. On a few of the trail descriptions it was stated that people had died from falling off the edge. On the way home we decided to take a little side trip to the In-N-Out near St. George. A good time was had by all!Jumping from bed to bed is a favorite activity at hotels
Boy #1 found a squirrel who was digging for food
Helping each other on the trail
The red rock is beautiful
The view from Weeping Rock
It was still a little cold
13 years ago
Love reading blogs of people I don't get to see as often as I would like. I'm back to it too---fistfulofdaisies.blogspot.com.
What a great trip! Looks like a good time was had by all. We went to Zion over the New Year holiday a couple of years ago. I like it the most in the colder months. Maybe not January, but even that's better than the middle of summer.
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