My husband has been very excited about this election and so we had an election night party tonight. There were 18 adults and 13 kids here to eat yummy food and watch the events unfold on the television. I hadn't thought that the concession speech could happen so soon, but it did and so our party wrapped up sooner than I thought it would. I was impressed with both McCain and Obama's speeches, but what was Michelle Obama wearing?! It looked like she had a red apron over her black dress and it looked fuzzy. Not a good look for the next First Lady. But back to the election...the historical significance of this election is still sinking in for me. The campaign lasted so long that I can't believe it is now over. I am looking forward to the next four years.The adults watched the television screen
The kids watched the computer screen
I tried a new chili recipe
13 years ago
Thanks so much for having us over with all the craziness of kids, feeding a crowd, cleaning up after a crowd, etc. Her dress was pretty bad, huh?
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