October 16, 2008

Oh Fudge!

This summer I started a bad habit. I tried some fudge at a shop in Cambria, CA and became hooked. I have never been a big fudge lover because most of the fudge I had seen or tried had nuts and I do not like nuts. However, my eyes have been opened to a whole new world of fudge flavors and so my quest to find the best fudge has begun.

Locally, my favorite fudge shop happens to be in a toy store, so the boys are always happy to join me for some fudge. Today I went overboard and bought my current favorite flavor of cookies and cream fudge, along with vanilla peanut butter fudge. And even though it had pecans I decided to get the creamy praline fudge because it looked so good. Talk about sugar overload!

My husband just became a big fan of the creamy praline and I even tried some


mirjam said...

posting a picture like that is just mean, mean, mean... :)

Courtney said...

Go to Cabellas. They let you try free fudge samples in their General Store. Unlimited. Then I buy just a little bit after I've tried my five favorites!! :)