March 22, 2010

The Culprit

This is the butter knife that caused me to get four stitches in my pinkie this evening. Who knew a butter knife could be so dangerous? I was helping boy #1 enlarge some holes in the lid of a jar for his rolly polly friends when the knife slipped down quickly as I was holding it. I waited 45 minutes until Steve got home to get a second opinion and then I drove myself to the urgent care. Meanwhile dinner was in mid preparation and we were hosting students for dessert, which wasn't made. Luckily I gave instructions to Steve and he took care of dinner and dessert while I was gone.


Ann said...

That's crazy and terrible! Stitches? Ow.

Frances said...

Don't you love when you do something utterly ridiculous like that. I have a similar scar in my thumb, but that was from glass I shouldn't have been handling in the first place. I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

You are awesome. You drove yourself to the ER? And got 4 stitches? All the while you were preparing dinner for guests?

JB in Orange County

verna nelson said...

You are the same super-woman that your sweet Mom is! Please, if ever you should have (and lets hope not)an emergency like that again, would you please call me - I'm your on-call aunt. My cell phone, always in my pocket or at bedside is 801-787-3669. Even if its not an emergency remember you have relatives nearby. Love, Verna