September 17, 2008

What is it With Video Games?

As I have mentioned I live in a household of boys and despite trying to postpone it, Boy #1 is in full video game mode. The latest obsession is Lego Star Wars. My husband also enjoys playing video games and one of our biggest fights was about a video game when we were dating. I got frustrated because I couldn't play it well since I do not have the hand eye coordination necessary to succeed and therefore I get frustrated easily. That is a trait that Boy #1 has inherited from me. I digress. Anyway, this is a typical afternoon or evening at our house with several neighborhood kids over to play video games. I just don't really get it.


Courtney said...

I don't get the video game thing either. But I wouldn't have said that in high school when I was addicted to Zelda!

Pinky Lovejoy-Coogan said...

I've never gotten it either. My ex-husband played night and day and it was the cause of many a fight. We weren't allowed to play when I was little, so I didn't grow up really understanding the phenomenon (is that how you spell that?).

p.s. We went to college together and I found you through Debra's blog, in case you were wondering. :)

Anonymous said...

My wife used to hate video games. That is until Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Now I can hardly get her off the thing.

True story: She was playing Guitar Hero so much, she had to go to the doctor for a flare-up of tendenitis in her left wrist. He banned her for 3 months. She is better now, but she alternates between the drums and guitar on Rock Band.

James (down in Orange County)

Debra said...

This gave me a laugh. Unfortunately, I TOTALLY get it, which is why we don't have one of these on our house. It would be a fight between me and the kids. I've also noticed the times we've let Connor play at someone else's house or on the computer that it would go on for hours if we let it. I'm just not equipped to fight that battle.