I never do anything to my hair. I brush it after a shower and that is all. I recently bought a round brush thinking I could actually blow dry my hair and make it look better. Well my plans failed. As I dried my hair with a round brush, the brush got stuck. Apparently, I needed a larger brush for the twisting I was doing. 30 minutes later, my husband was able to get the brush out and my hair was saved from disaster. I guess I will revert to doing nothing to my hair.The rat's nest and Boy #2 helping with the mess
My husband really wasn't as angry as he looks in this picture
Successful extraction
January 24, 2010
What Not To Do To Your Hair
Posted by Janell at 8:04 AM 7 comments
January 22, 2010
In the Dog House
Boy #2 loves to play with boxes. He also loves to wear his doggy costume. This combination inspired him to make a dog house out of a cardboard box. He cut out a window and had a "garage" that he entered the house through.The bottom flap is the garage that opens up
Posted by Janell at 10:53 PM 0 comments
January 16, 2010
Movie Night
Some time ago we decided that Friday night would be movie night for the boys. This helped us to reduce the number of movies the boys were watching during the week. Now on Fridays we either rent something or watch something we already own. The library also has a great selection of movies to checkout. Anyway, most movie nights I make pizza. I try to vary the pizza that my husband and I have, but the boys usually want cheese or pepperoni. Last night I tried to replicate my favorite pizza from the Pie Pizzeria, the xtreme veggie. My husband took a bite and said, "This is the best pizza you've ever made!" High praise from a man who has been eating a variety of homemade pizza for the last few years. Although it is not exactly the xtreme veggie it is a close replication. Spinach, red onion, artichoke hearts, and feta top this pizza
Posted by Janell at 7:41 AM 2 comments
January 12, 2010
Simply Deliteful
My long time friends have put together a cookbook that is full of healthy and yummy recipes. I am so excited that the idea they had for creating this cookbook is now realized. I can't wait to get a copy and try the recipes. I know they will be tasty. If you want to take a look at their cookbook, go to simplydeliteful.com. This makes me think that I waste too much time with unimportant things and that I should do something more meaningful with my life. I'm not sure what that is, but I'll start thinking.
Posted by Janell at 8:36 PM 23 comments
January 7, 2010
Highlights or Lowlights of 2009
The old year is over, but there were a few events and images that I hadn't posted in 2009, so here is the last of 2009.Boy #1 as a dog in his 1st grade Chinese class play
Boys in the maze at the pumpkin patch
Husband's cut chin that required two stitches
Husband's "handy work" that grew as he tried to fix a small leak in the bathtub. That is my laundry floor you can see through the pipes
The crack in our large mirror that happened during one of our holiday parties. The votive pictured is to blame and the image doesn't show how the mirror cracked straight up the middle
Christmas trifle that I made two days after Christmas since I was so tired of cooking
Having fun playing Twister
Posted by Janell at 6:46 PM 0 comments