I have a huge fear of snakes. This fear is hereditary since my father and brother also have it. So tonight as I tried to open the pocket door into the laundry room and couldn't because a snake was caught in the door frame, I screamed and ran back to the nook and stood on a chair. The snake slithered back into the empty space in the wall that the pocket door creates and did not budge. We called animal control but since it was after hours they were unavailable. Another company told us that for about $500 they could come remove the snake. Steve decided to take things into his own hands and he got out the crowbar, coat hanger, and other tools. Then our new neighbor, Steve, came over to help out, and after an hour or so of contemplating cutting into the drywall, a third Steve came by. Once the third Steve was here they were able to get the snake out of the wall. Unfortunately, they did cut into the drywall, but fortunately, there is no longer a snake in my house!The intruder
The hole in the wall, hey, how many Steve's does it take to fix drywall?
The place where the snake is until animal control identifies it and takes it away
13 years ago
Way to go Steves! I'm impressed and yet still freaked out. How did they know it wasn't a rattlesnake? (I mean, it doesn't look that much like a rattlesnake but it doesn't NOT look like a rattlesnake). Tell Steve, the one I know, that I'm entirely impressed and will call him the next time I need a snake removed from a pocket door. I'm willing to forgo whole sheets of drywall if it will get the snake out.
Holy cow. At least it wasn't in your bed. Hopefully it was a lone snake. Have fun on your trip.
Holy COW that snake is huge. Can't BELIEVE it was in your house. I am so scared/grossed out for you. :(
Just re-thought my desire for a pocket door. *shudder*
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