Tonight we went to a museum to hear a lecture about invertebrates. I did not have my camera to capture my boys touching a tarantula named Rosie, a pink gecko, and a hissing cockroach. What was I thinking to leave my camera at home! As we were leaving they brought out the python and the boys touched that as well. They have not inherited their grandpa's fear of snakes.
January 30, 2009
January 26, 2009
Since some of my family has been asking about the house next door, I decided I would post some pictures of the construction. They have made lots of progress this past week with installing windows and putting the roof on. It should be finished in April.View from our family room
Posted by Janell at 3:27 PM 2 comments
January 22, 2009
My Favorite Brother
For 26 years my brother has had a mustache. For a few years he had a beard and then a goatee, but he has always kept the mustache. Mustaches were fine in the 70's and even in the early 80's, but they have been unacceptable in my book for several years. So it was with great joy that I saw my brother this past Sunday completely clean shaven! It took my mom several minutes to notice, but I don't think I've ever seen her so happy once she did! Here are a few before and after pics of my favorite brother.Here we are in Old Town San Diego
The constant and crazy photographer
Look at that baby soft face
What's that I see, can it be an upper lip?!
Posted by Janell at 3:33 PM 4 comments
January 20, 2009
Since I didn't get any internet time on our cruise to Cabo San Lucas I will now post some pictures of our trip. A big thanks to my parents for taking us on this trip and a big thanks to my mother-in-law for watching our kids for us. I believe a good time was had by all.Beautiful bird of paradise
I found the sunshine
The locals say this rock formation looks like Scooby Doo
This was our ship for 4 nights. My body still feels like it is on the ship
We took a glass bottom boat to the natural arch at Land's End and hung out at Playa del Amor
No cruise is complete without some karaoke
Posted by Janell at 1:58 PM 1 comments
January 17, 2009
Wish You Were Here
We have found the sunshine but not much in the way of internet access, so I will post pictures later. We are off for a glass bottom boat tour! Hope the snow isn't too deep back home.
Posted by Janell at 10:21 AM 2 comments
January 14, 2009
Here Comes the Sun
My husband and I are off to find the warm sunshine that currently is non existent in Utah. I'll post some pictures once I find it.
Posted by Janell at 2:05 PM 0 comments
January 9, 2009
A Mandoline?
For years I have wanted a mandoline. When I told my husband this as well as some other family members they looked at me with confusion. I had to explain that this mandoline was for the kitchen and was not a musical instrument. So this year my wonderful mother-in-law bought me a mandoline for Christmas. I have used it at least 10 times since opening it and I love it. I have cut potatoes and sweet potatoes into lovely french fries, sliced onions in a matter of seconds, served up matchstick carrots, and the list could go on. If you would like to see a demonstration of the wonderful things this kitchen tool can do, please click here. Now if only I can replicate the carrot chips they serve at Red Rock. Thanks to Joyce for making life easier and more interesting in the kitchen.
Posted by Janell at 9:20 PM 3 comments
January 6, 2009
Let It Snow...
After shoveling the driveway and walks three times today as I was going in and out I have given up and will not shovel again today. The snow has been falling since yesterday afternoon and most of today there has been a light but steady snowfall. The world is truly covered in a blanket of white and it is beautiful, as long as I don't have to drive in it. Boy #2 helped me shovel after we dropped Boy #1 at school, but mostly he just played in the snow.Boy #2 helping me fight a useless battle
Happily playing in the snow
View of the snow piled on my back patio table
14 inches so far and still snowing
Posted by Janell at 12:13 PM 0 comments
January 4, 2009
Thank You Notes
My mother is a stickler with thank you notes. Not collecting cute paper cards to send, but requiring that every gift be formally acknowledged with a thank you card. Because of this I grew up striving to have my Christmas thank you cards in the mail by January 1st. Well, it is now January 4th and I am just now sitting down to write them. Thanks to my mom I have come to appreciate the value of a sincere thank you note. Over the years I have resorted to some e-mail thank yous, but be sure that my mother will receive a handwritten note from me.
Posted by Janell at 6:11 PM 4 comments
January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
We kept the boys out until midnight last night to ring in the New Year. Since I am recovering from a cold, I will keep this short and leave you with photos of the night's festivities.The gang watching Kung Fu Panda, about 11:30 p.m.
Boy #2 laughing at the movie
Boy #1 sitting down for a brief moment. Most of the night, the kids ran around and were overstimulated!
Way back when we were dating we started a tradition of this picture; me with a glass and husband drinking out of the bottle. I think this is the 9th year of this particular tradition.
Outside to do poppers, about 12:05. We were heading down the freeway by 12:15 and the boys fell asleep by 12:22.
Posted by Janell at 12:45 PM 1 comments